Affirmation One
We believe the Bible to be the “Word of God, and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.” We desire to be shaped by this living Word of God—not just parts of it—but all of it. We don’t judge the Bible: the Bible judges us! It tells us who God is, who we are, and what we need to do in order to be in right relationship with Him.
Affirmation Two
We believe in the “necessity of the new birth.” Our founders understood that the Christian faith isn’t reliably transmitted by family, by baptism, or by any other religious or cultural ritual. We become Christians when we respond personally and gratefully to what God has already done for us in Jesus.
Affirmation Three
A commitment to the whole mission of the church. Our purpose as a church is twofold: we want to see lost people found and hurting people helped. We are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus while at the same time doing our best to care for those who have physical and emotional needs.